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Monday, November 14, 2022

In No Way Is This Album "TAME." : A Picxies Doolittle Review


Artist: The Pixies
Album: Doolittle
Genre: Alternative rock, Indie rock, Noise pop
Relased: April 7, 1989

Description: This is the 2nd studio album from The Pixies. This album featured many songs such as Here Comes Your Man, Monkey Gone To Heaven, and Debaser. Later, the song Wave of Mutilation would go on to introduce a new generation to The Pixies in the extremely successful “Create Your Own Band” music video game series Rock Band. This release has since gone on to become Platinum as of 2018. Often seen as a very “accessible” album, this was always their most successful record to date. 

Favorite Track: La La Love You

Reason: The songs kicks off with a groove drum beat. Then you get that great Reverb/Chorus heavy guitar solo. The bass line is very simple, yet drives the song along. I got to hand it to the little whistling line in the middle as well. This song is very much a performance piece for the guitar. The song has a very groovy alt. chill vibe in the solo in the beginning.  Overall this short yet extremely fun song is a must on this album.

Rating: 8.9/10 

I really to like the fact that with its many tracks, this album is still a fast listen. It goes by real quick, but is a blast from the past that I can't stop listening to. The opening track, Debaser is such a fun one. I feel like Paul Rudd in This Is 40 when it starts. I can't help but agree with his character when I tell people how good The Pixies are. The Alt/Indie feel they throw at you is expressive. It gets you in a groovy rock out vibe that keeps you going with every song. This is an album that will keep selling and being played for years to come. 

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